Based on the book by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
From the back of the book:
“Kids desperately need to know how much you love them. But if you don’t know their special “love language”, you may as well be speaking gibberish. Every child (and adult) expresses and receives love best through one of five communication styles. Find out which of these your child speaks. If your love language is different from your child’s, you could miss your chance to meet their deepest emotional needs. Discover how to express unconditional feelings of respect, affection and commitment that will resonate in their souls – and inspire them for the rest of their lives.”
Carol uses her experiences in both the classroom and the home to share examples and ideas on the application of the Five Love Languages with children under 12 years. The workshop is designed to help parents identify their child’s primary love language as well as recognise and correctly interpret empty love tank signs. Many practical ideas and suggestions are given during the workshops to help parents implement the principles.
Teacher workshops are excellent for staff development. Carol shares practical tips on applying the five love languages with children in the class room and with colleagues.
NEW IN 2018: Love Languages of teens: a talk for high school parents.

Loving Discipline is a values-based discipline training course designed for parents of pre-schoolers . The seminar is designed to help parents understand and practically apply positive discipline training principles on a day-to-day basis with their children. Very specific examples are given for this age group as Carol has worked out the principles with her own children. The course includes identifying your current parenting style, outcomes of various parenting styles, principles of good discipline, positive preventative strategies, and how to apply appropriate consequences.

Carol is a firm believer in involving children in all aspects of the home. Based on an understanding of the love value of Acts of Service, she has many examples of age-appropriate ways to involve children of all ages in chores. She also draws on her insights into childhood development to ensure that suggested tasks are meaningful and contribute to the overall development of the child.

Thank you so much for the informative workshop. I just want to tell you what a difference your advice has made. Your five steps really work, and the amount of tantrums by my almost 3-year-old boy has drastically reduced. I am able to say “No!” with more confidence now, and my child takes no for an answer much more easily than before . As I sit here and type, he is playing quietly by himself in his room, which is happening a lot more now, whereas before he wouldn’t play without me. Interestingly, he is also a lot more loving towards me (which is not what I would have expected after being firmer with him), and our relationship has improved a lot. It was a tough two weeks but I am seeing the results now!